Luke Sermon Series
Luke 1:1-4 That You May Know
Luke 1:5-25 Interrupted by an Angel (no recording)
Luke 1:26-38 Favored
Luke 1:39-56 Visiting the Relatives
Luke 1:57-80 Prophet of the Most High
Luke 2:1-20 Heart Pondering
Luke 2:21-40 Earl Childhood
Luke 2:39-52 Increasing in Wisdom and Stature
Luke 3:1-22 Produce Fruits Consistent with Repentance
Luke 3:23-38 Genealogies
Luke 4:1-13 Temptation
Luke 4:14-37 News Spreads
Luke 4:38-44 Healing, Solitude, and Preaching
Luke 5:1-11 A Day by the Lake
Luke 5:12-26 Cities, Solitude, and Crowds
Luke 5:27-39 Tax Collectors, Sinners, Pharisees
Luke 6:1-11 Senseless Rage
Luke 6:12-26 Praying, Choosing, Going, Teaching